JMG's Projects

Dust, 3D animation 2010

I created Dust, a 3D animation transferred to film 35mm, for Melvin Motti's installation “From Dust
to Dust”.

Dust specks, image noise, spectral vision, scientific visualization, installation, collaboration, motion
studies, artificial intelligence, extreme physics, macro-micro, contemporary art, digital media to film, future of cinema.


Melvin Moti's installation “From Dust to Dust” is formed around an abstract 35mm film created
by Jean-Marc Gauthier.

Melvin Moti states, “Dust (2010, animation Jean-Marc Gauthier), a 35 mm film where some nebulas of
little white bodies assemble and slowly disperse on a black background, reminding of the macroscopic incandescence of a star's birth and the microscopic whirl of dust specks in the air: the fascinating configurations of dust, continuously changing its form and position, were created by the artist through the use of several computers which reproduce, as faithfully as possible, the scientific phenomenon of the movement, simple only on the surface, of these little bodies in the space.

For Moti, tracing these dust particles means to open our perception to the tiniest details of reality (a microview), while never losing sight of the all possible connections and patterns disclosed by them (macro-view).”

« Ce film est une animation des schémas d’accumulation hautement organisés de particules invisibles parmi les plus petites existant sur terre, la poussière, confie l’artiste. L’animation, réalisée en collaboration avec Jean Marc Gauthier, est inspirée par les vidéos de laboratoires qui étudient les forces électriques et magnétiques de la poussière extraterrestre. Outre ce que l’on voit, j’ai voulu aussi mettre en évidence la relation d’amour-haine qui existe entre la poussière et le support même, la pellicule 35 mm. » Melvin Moti

Client: Melvin Moti

Wiels Contemporary Art Center, Brussels, Belgium
Fondazone Galleria Civica Di Trento, Italy

Arskey magazine d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea brussel / Cultuur / Expo "les poussières qui s'amassent forment une montagne" Le Dernier Coquelicot, Le Cinema du Diable Melvin Moti, Chasseur de Spectres, Dominique Legrand, Le Soir
